2017年波兰电力电气及照明展览会 一、展会简介: 展会时间:2017年6月22-24日 展会地点:波兰 华沙 组织单位:远大国际展览有限公司 二、上届回顾: -over 15,000 buyers from Poland?and Eastern European countries -technical workshops, seminars and conferences?offer 150+ hours -of education for 1900+ participants -Low-voltage power distribution and electrical installation technology -Electrical installations materials and accessories -Home and building automation and security systems -Surge protection, lightning and overvoltage protection systems -Medium voltage distribution and energy automation systems -Power protection and energy saving systems -Measurement and controlling equipment 三、市场简介: ?Investments in office buildings – according to Hadley Dean, a managing partner at estate agent Colliers “A wall of money has been flowing into the Polish real estate market across the board since the start of 2015. It is the office market that dominates investment activity.” ?Dynamic development of hotels (individual hotels, hotel chains, Spa hotels and resorts). Within the last decade the numbers of rooms has increased by approximately 88%. According to Eurostat data, Poland has experienced the greatest increase in number of new rooms among CEE countries. ?Dynamic development of real estate market and, what is the most important, growing affluence of the Polish society gives guarantee of demand of high-end apartments ?Necessary replacement of 60% of the existing outdoor lighting in cities and communes for energy-saving LED lighting. ?Requirement in infrastructure investment at a level of from 400 to 500 billion zlotys. ?Inflow of EU funds to Poland up to 2020. 四、展品范围: 照明及LED、能源及技术、电力,电气设备、通讯系统、楼宇自动化等。 吊灯及水晶灯、水晶灯配件、嵌灯、各种射灯及聚光灯LED灯、节能灯、卤素白炽灯、应急灯及安全标志灯;家居照明、办公室照明、舞台影院用灯、探照灯、智能照明系统 室外灯具、花园灯具;其它光源产品、镇流器、电线及接线柱、开关及插座、电镀材料、电子零部件、其它灯饰配件等。电工产品、电气设备、电讯设备、调控设备、电机工程、电力元器件、电子生产设备、空调及装置、电源、测量系统、电动机、气象设备、电源电池电力,电气设备、照明及LED、能源及技术、通讯系统、楼宇自动化等。 远大国际展览有限公司 联系人:吴先生 手 机:* Q Q : * 北京市朝阳区慧忠路5号远大中心A座6层 波兰电力展,波兰电气展,波兰电工展,欧洲电力展
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